Thursday 23 August 2012

Wake Up Call..!! (part 1)

In the name of God, the Most Merciful and Most Compassionate,

It was during Fajr (dawn) when flashbacks and memories came surging through my mind. The conversation a friend of mine (a non-muslim) and I had few days ago come back into picture. Vividly than ever. Fingers thrusted into each letter on the keyboard, I began to recall each word, one by one:

            “What had made you changed? You look calm, you think wiser and spiritually better since the last time I saw you. I’m having a hard time at my college and truth be told, I’m feeling restless,” he muttered.

            Startled by his piercing question, it took me quite some time interpreting each and every sentence. “I think I’ve figured out the real meaning of life and our purpose of existence. Have you ever given a thought about where actually we came from, why are we here and where are we heading to after this? We eat, we study, we sleep, we love, we laugh and..? Where to?

            “Isn’t it too early to think about all these? We are still young to think about this. Get a life and party man,” He added sarcastically.

            “Party, and? We were created for a reason, surely we will perish for a reason,” I replied.

He remained silent, trying to rack every of the drawer available in his brain. But to no avail. Our conversation that day remained hanging as for some people, those questions should be avoided.

            Psychologically for us humans, there will always be 3 frequent questions that we ask ourselves, what, why and where. Let us open our hearts and minds for a while to think thoroughly some of the most important questions in our life. Where do we come from?

            Every creation has a creator. This can clearly be seen from the simplest thing of life to the most complex organism, us humans. This paper that you are holding was made in China. This indelible ink that is embedded in this paper was made in Thailand. So what about us humans? Is it possible we were created without a creator despite the fact that we are among the most complex organism, the organism that walks freely and shaping this world with advancements in technology and civilizations. There must be a creator that created all this balance and harmony in this world. A sole creator which most of us call God, despite numerous names that we call Him, there is only one sole creator. Wait, what if all of this happened by chance?

            Let us ponder a simple situation; (Note: Do this experiment after you have bought two same glasses in order to avoid naggings from your loved ones) Hold two glasses at par with your shoulder. Then, drop both glasses to the floor and observe what happen. How do you think would it look like? Is it in orderly manner where the shattered glasses arranged themselves in harmony and balance? I could, without doubt guarantee you that it the pieces would look like a mess with not even a single peace and harmony from it (Except if you are into abstract arts).

The same situation that applies in Big Bang where how could the collision of rocks create this balanced universe. Unless there is some sort of greater power which preserves the collision and shape it in order for the universe to be at how it is right now. In fact scientists have yet to recreate the Big Bang in experiments even in a smaller scale. But you could say that there is only Law of Nature that preserves the balance in this universe. Could it be?

 Each planet has its own orbit, surrounding our Sun, the major source of energy in our galaxy. The same goes like we have studied in chemistry, an atom. Each atom consists of three basic particles, neutron, proton and electron. Proton and neutron which consists most of the mass located centrally while electrons orbiting it in an orderly manner. What if, the electrons collided with each other while orbiting the nucleus or even to be attracted to the nucleus due to opposite poles? Why are the planets orbiting in its own orbit without colliding with other planets despite there will always be gravitational force between two bodies according to Newton’s Law of Gravitation? These questions are neither meant to intrigue nor questioning your beliefs. But if there are answers to even some intricating questions, what else to an even trivial question like this world indeed has a creator. A creator that preserves the Law of Nature in order for it to work in such manner for the benefit of us human beings.

Moving on to the next question, why are we here? As stated earlier, we are all creations and thus there must be a reason why we were created in this world. Everything has a reason of existence. If something failed to reason why it exist, then might as well that thing is never existed. What other purpose are we created other than to devote to God in all aspects of life? It would be very ungrateful if we disobey God while still living as His creations.

In layman’s terms, devote means to vow that God exists and make our life to submit, to obey, to love and last but not least is to hope on God. This act of devotion must and only be given to our God directly without having to used mediums such as idols, apparitions or even a human being and most importantly, He is accessible everywhere and anywhere. God during the pagan times were perceived to have a scary look and must always be scared but why should it be that way? Shouldn’t God be the Most Merciful and Most Compassionate, where all creations are dependent on Him regardless of race or origin and loved Him more than anything?

That is why our act of devotion should only be for the One and Only God, not to the creations of God, but to the creator. However, we also cannot ignore the fact that this world was created for us to live in with a reason not to be abandoned fully. Why God would create this world if we must fully ditch this life, begged for our food, be dependent on other human being, inflict tremendous pain to ourselves as a way to devote? Being the Most Compassionate and Most Merciful, He will surely guide those who are searching for the correct path. Let us make an effort to pray every day to One and Only God may He guide us to the correct path.

A simple analogy we can use if we are not in His path, for instance if you hire a person to work in your farm, to grow only apples in your farm. But, your worker starts working at your neighbour’s farm, planting your apple seeds there. Do you think it is reasonable for you to give his paycheck? This then leads to our question, where are we going? What is our paycheck that all of us yearned for? The paycheck which only comes at the end of the month but this paycheck is bigger than your usual paycheck. A paycheck that determines whether your hard work in life had really paid off, or you are among the ones led astray.
Please show us the right path . 

(To be continued)

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